Wild Places and Wild Things: 2016 in Review
Wild Cape Cod Notebook: Summer - Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge and the Atlantic White Shark Conse
Wild Cape Cod Notebook: Winter Approaches
Close Encounters of the Shark Kind II
Close Encounters of the Shark Kind: An exhibit of original photographs
Wild Cape Cod Notebook: Spring on the Water
Wild Cape Cod Notebook: Chasing the Last Dragons
Cetaceans on the Outer Cape
Wild Cape Cod Notebook: Winter 2014
Wild Cape Cod Notebook: Winter-Barrier Beaches #3
Green Water…White Death
Transitions of the Season
Offshore with the Humpbacks
Wild Cape Cod Notebook: Autumn
Wild Cape Cod Notebook: Atlantic White Sharks
Wild Cape Cod Notebook: Autumn
Wild Cape Cod Notebook
Expedition Cape Cod Concludes
Offshore with the Humpbacks
A Midnight Memory of Wooden Ships